Sunday, 25 May 2014

Study the past if you would define the future

So it would appear I am not the only capsuleer with an interest in the Takmahl.  In my research I have discovered papers from a group calling themselves Project Revelation. This is, or possibly was, (given the gap since their last published paper) a group investigating many aspects of the Takmahl. 

From their writings it appears they only have a cursory interest in the artifacts. However what they have discovered may help me.Their group seems to be part of a larger group called Arek'Jaalan. I have heard something of this in passing. Something about a scientist who a defected from the state and ran to the tribalist regions. 

Such affiliations raise obvious concerns. I hope this group chose the region to pursue they're program as the lawlessness or the low levels of education provided them with some protection or anonymity. From what I have been able to discern they are based at a place they term "Site One" in the Eram system of the Metropolis Region. Traveling so far into the tribalist regions causes me no small amount of concern. An Amarrian going in those areas is always taking a risk but if I am to pursue this I shall be going into places of danger and I must trust in the Lord