Wednesday, 17 December 2014

Life Carries On

Things have started to settle down once more and I have been able to progress my research.

I have reestablished my observation posts within the Labyrinth to monitor the spatial anomalies and gather more data to compare with the Talocan structures. I have Three observation stations  at various locations reporting back to a data collection station near the Sun.

Data collector in orbit of the Aphi Star
 These stations are equipped with Camera drones, gravimetric sensors, a range of advanced sensors and advanced transmitters to ensure all activity is monitored and transmitted back to the primary collation point.

The collation point has an Anema Bluechip in case anything untoward should occur. At least that should retain all the data, provided I can secure it from the site.

With these in place I should be able to get a good continuous feed of data and, as various ships pass through see the changes that entail.

I then intend to locate some of the Talocan Static gates and set up a similar group of units and compare.

This should enable me to answer some of the questions on the possible links between the two anomalies and further see if there are potential links between the Talocan and Takmahl.

Rift Observatory and Anomaly
In addition to that have obtained one of the new Entosis links that were released by the Carthum Conglomerate. These are Reverse engineered from Sleeper and Drifter technology and enable a capsuleer to "inject" their consciousness into a structures control system also like a capsule. I have attempted to do this with the spatial anomalies but without success. I did attempt to also access the site at the centre of the Labyrinth but was driven off by raiders. I shall need to attempt this again with some assistance.

I find myself also thinking of the words of Dr Valate, that maybe the Takmahl came across the remains of the Talocan and this is what drove them to their levels so quickly. However, in turn she postulates that could have Talocan or sleepers have returned to destroy the Takmahl.

I have been thinking of the events surrounding the rise and fall of the warped empire of Sansha Kuvakei. Are their parallels there to the sudden rise and fall. Could this give a hint to the fate of the Takmahl? Could this even be a lead into my search for the Scepter and Crown?

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