Saturday, 25 October 2014

A night at the Museum

The Museum Arcana- A site of the Takmahl 

I have again ventured in to the ancient site of the Museum Arcana, supervised under the watchful eyes of the Theology Council. While they watch over the sort of documents and artefacts that are dragged from the ruins of the area they do not step in when one researcher attacks another As such I was able to rely on the assistance of another capsuleer called Grease PaYN. I swear that the other races seem to have the most peculiar names.

After several hours of collection I had a wide range of data for further investigation. There were a number of items the Theology Council impounded but, on the surface they did not seem to hold any data on what i sought.

I have had several weeks to review that data and have learnt quite a bit about the society and culture of the Takmahl but no mention of the artefacts I am looking for. One of the papers I recovered from "Site One" of the Arek'Jaalan project mentions a site near the sun in Aphi which has a site believed to be of significance. It is called "the Labyrinth" Apparantly it is a vast site consisting of multiple connected gates through which a particulart path must be taken to reach the primary location. I feel this is the next logical step in my search, however there is a complication.

The archivist of the project which produced the paper is none other than Dr Valate, of whom I have had to cut myself off due to her associations with the Sabik. I must look into this site in more depth but the paper I obtained for the archives at Site One does not sufficient information for me to be comfortable with an attempt. I need to find greater information

I just hope this is not the end of my search.

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