Sunday, 5 October 2014

Strength through Unity, Unity through Faith

I have had the meeting with my superiors in the Society. It went better than I had thought. It is not my search they have questioned but rather my dealings with Dr Valate. The texts she has sent me are classified as heretical by the Theology Council. This has the potential to raise issues for the Society and for myself.

I have been lucky in that Ms Aspenstar was once a Paladin in service to the Council dealing in just these kinds of issues. With her counsel on how these would be perceived and acted on I know this is accurate and not driven by over reaction. As a result I have turned over the text to the Theology Council for destruction. I have also publicly decried these texts on the Intergalactic Summit so any of the Councils watchers can see.

This does mean I do not have access to what it held but that is a small price to pay. I am sure through direct investigation of the sites in Araz I can discover information without being tainted by their teachings. I had hoped the council would see such ancient writings as beyond that but such is the way of things. However the Council has defended the Empire for this long with it's approach so who am I to question that!

I shall soon launch another expedition into the Museum Arcana and see what I can learn. From hereon I shall ensure to not lose sight of the responsibility I bear to protect the faith in all respects.

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